RSG Alerts Owners Of Healthcare Providers To Arrest ‘Failed Bomber’, Police Begin Investigation

By Odungweru A H

The Rivers State Government says it is searching for a man who attempted to detonate an explosive near Hotel Presidential in Port Harcourt, the state capital.

The incident occurred earlier Tuesday, with many suggesting that the unidentified man was part of a group of people participating in a political rally.

He sustained severe injuries during the failed attempt and was quickly taken away from the scene by others.

Speaking in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State Commissioner for Health, Adaeze Oreh, called for the arrest of any patient with injuries suspected to be caused by explosives.

The Commissioner urged healthcare providers to detain and report anyone with such injuries to the police or the state Ministry of Health, believing that he may seek treatment at public or private hospitals.

Meanwhile, the police commissioner in Rivers State Tunji Disu said on a television programme yesterday that the matter is being probed.

While it’s not clear what caused the explosion. It doesn’t appear to be related to the solidarity march yesterday as the protesters didn’t get to Hotel Presidential but terminated at Rumuola which is about 500 meters from the scene.


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