NLNG Train 7: Finima Community shuts Down Operations Of (SCD) JV Over Non-Compliance To NOAGICD Act 2010, CCG 2017

By Odungweru A H

The people of Finima community in Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State yesterday shut down the operations of Saipem, Chiyoda and Daewoo (SCD) JV, the companies handling the construction of the muti-billion dollars NLNG Train 7.

Among other things, the people, who are the host community to NLNG Trains 1-7, want the SCD JV to fully implement the Nigeria Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010, Community Content Guideline 2017, respect the leadership of Finima and display of vendors list approved for the community.

Speaking to newsmen on the reason for their action, the chairman of Finima Youth Congress (FYC), Shedrack Brown stated that the community decided to protest after repeated efforts to make the SCD JV see reason with them on their demands through peaceful approach. 

He disclosed that they had written several letters to the management of the joint venture to iron out contentious issues but all have been met with non-challance and lack of regard for the host community.

According to him, “The entirety of Finima community has come out to protest against neglect by the SCD JV, who for over time have decided not to have any dealings with Finima. You will recall that in 2021, there was the groundbreaking for the construction of NLNG Train 7 project and NLNG in their wisdom brought the entirety of the team handling this project to Finima community for identification.

 “But ever since that was done till date, they have refused to have any dealings, any engagement with the Finima community, we have written several letters through the Finima Capacity Develooment Committee, the Finima Youth Congress among others to see that they have engagement with the community, it is unfair, it is unjust that such construction will be going on in the community and they will nor want to have any engagement with us.

“We had even petitioned the Commissioner of Police, who invited all parties and they still refused to honour the invitation, most shockingly, the day we were to discuss the issues at stake, they tacitly evaded the meeting and then gave flimsy excuses why they couldn’t come. So, we have no choice than to resort to self help, self help in form of protest at ensuring they listen to us.

“And what have been our request, implement the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Development Act of 2010, ensure that you comply with the Community Content Guidelines of 2017. These are extant laws of the federation that we are saying comply with. We are not bringing things from the blues, we are not bringing things that are unimaginable. We are bringing things that are common for everybody to practise.”


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